Moving youth from an experience of homelessness to stability

Youth Housing First provides support for youth ages 16-24 who are experiencing homelessness by assisting them to find sustainable housing and maintain housing over a 9-month period of time.

enCompass Youth Housing First program is a collaboration between enCompass, e4c and Homeward Trust Edmonton.

Areas of Support

The team follows the Critical Time Intervention Model to best support youth to be independent. This is accomplished by using a phased approach. To support youth during the critical time of transition, Youth Housing First provides:

  • Access to housing without preconditions to address issues negatively impacting major life areas
  • Financial assistance for rent, for eligible participants, and housing related expenses
  • Home visits and transportation assistance
  • Case planning, crisis planning and SMART goal development
  • Life skills and social skills development
  • Referral and connection to natural and professional supports
  • Opportunities to participate in cultural traditions

Connect to Youth Housing First

More information: 780.970.5114               email:        referrals: Accepted from Homeward Trust Coordinated Access. To be placed on the By Names List, contact Coordinated Access at 780-702-5267 or